Tuesday 10 May 2016

Big, Tall, Short and Small - The Lord God Loves Us All

May 2 (Monday)

Today we went shopping at Kwai Fong. Jasmine and Emmy had requested more "comfy pants". I guess they must be out of style now, because we couldn't find any there. I did however find a couple dresses, so all our time there was not wasted.

We decided to check out Shum Shui Po since John wanted to pick up his favorite wonton noodles for dinner, and I wanted their yummy mushrooms. We just walked around a bit then luckily found an outdoor vendor who just happened to have a rack of (drum roll), "comfy pants". Yeah. Search over...best part was the price $2.80 CAD each. So I picked up 5 pairs of long pants and 5 pairs of capri length...and they are really comfy.

It was another hot and sticky day. So went for a quick swim after we got home.

May 3 (Tuesday)

Start of another week at the Temple. Not much to report today. Here's a little gem you might enjoy reading:

The man whispered, "God, speak to me," and a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear.

So the man yelled, "God, speak to me!" and the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man still did not listen.

The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you." And the sun shone brightly. But the man did not see.

And the man shouted, "God, show me a miracle," and a life was born. But the man did not notice.

So the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God and let me know you are here." Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man. But the man brushed the butterfly aside and walked on.

This is a great reminder that God is always around us in the little and simple things that we take for granted. Don't miss out on the blessings because it isn't packaged the way you expect.

May 4 (Wednesday)

We have a work schedule for all the Temple Missionaries. However, as needed, it is always subject to change. Sister Rancie has been away for a few weeks tending to her family back in Australia. Her daughter has been going through a tough time with cancer. Good news though, her last report was she was all clear. Now she's just waiting the arrival of a new grandbaby. Sister Hathaway took ill this week, so we are short 2 workers. Then to top it off, 5 local sister temple workers were also booked off today for various reasons. So being 7 workers short, Sister Wong requested that switch my OAD from Friday to today (Wednesday), which I was more than happy to do. I love having Friday's off anyways.

May 5 (Thursday)

It's hard to keep up on my blog. If I don't make an entry each day or two, I forgot what has happened. This week is one of those weeks when I'm trying to fill in a week's worth on entries and not remembering much.

Some of our Thai patrons. They are here all week.

May 6 (Friday)

I'll remember this day! It was our OAD and I was going to sleep in. However, the phone rang and John got out of bed to answer. All I got from overhearing the conversation was, "What?... Say that again. Congratulations!" Then he called me to the phone. It was Sister June Lee informing us that they had been called as the new Hong Kong Temple President and Matron! What exciting news. They will be awesome in their new position.

President and Sister Wong will finish on October 30, and the Lee's will begin their 3 year term on November 1, 2016. We will serve with them for 5 days, then they will release us from our mission. Well, there goes our plans for going on a cruise with them before we go home in November. They will finish their Temple mission this month so they can go home to Dallas, Texas to prepare for the next 3 years. We've become such good friends. I will surely miss them.

May 7 (Saturday)

Nora's final farewell. It seems like we've been saying good bye for the past month with so many farewell dinners. The sisters on the Saturday shift had a potluck lunch for everyone. It's going to seem strange not having Nora at the Temple. She'll be missed by all.

Steamed Rock Cod with Veggies over Hot Plate

Spicy Pepper Chicken Hot Pot

One of Nora's many favorite restaurants.

Summer didn't take it's time getting here. Already it was 90F and high humidity. We, yes WE, John included went for a swim to cool off. OK, technically, I went for a swim, and John just got wet to cool off.

May 8 (Sunday)

Happy Mother's Day! to all the moms, grandmothers, daughters, aunts, and sisters. FaceTime is awesome. It's so nice to talk to loved ones face to face. Now, if we could just reach through cyber space and give each other a hug, that would be marvelous. Maybe next year someone will develop that technology.

Today we had our Self-Reliance Graduation during sacrament meeting. We're so proud of our grads. They are: Emma Arzadon, Leonida DeLa Cruz, Veronica Delrosario, Mercy Flores, Marilyn Mariano, Quennie Navarez, Diwata Plucena, and Maribel Reandino.

Diwata introduced the grads and presented their name and theme. They named their class DBWA which stand for Diligent Business Women in Action. They recited their theme:
 "And this is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. (D&C 104:15). With faith in the Lord, we are working together to become self-reliant."

Leonida (Nyda) was their 'valedictorian' and spoke on the 12 step program to Self-Reliance: Starting and Growing My Own Business. Then the grads sang, "Because I Have Been Given Much". This song always brings me to tears.
Emma Arzadon, Marilyn Mariano, Leonida De La Cruz, Mercy Flores, Diwata Plucena, Quennie Navarez
(missing: Veronica Delrosario, Maribel Reandino)

Leon Au and President Smart then presented them with their certificates from the LDS Business College. This is such a great achievement for these girls. Because Elder and Sister Coffey's mission ended before the course was completed, John and I were blessed to be able to instruct the last 4 lessons. We wish all these Diligent Business Women success in their future businesses.

And once again, Sister Janet Leung cooked up a wonderful meal to celebrate Mother's Day. After a quick bite to eat and a few photos, we ran off to Wan Chai to catch the Devotional put on by the BYU Women's Volleyball Team who are travelling through Asia. It was a wonderful, delightful evening.
Me and Amy, their tallest player

Bro. Lewis, Pres. Tai, Sis. Concepcion, us

We wanted a picture of the team...it turned into a photo bomb!

Alexa Grey from Lethbridge 

Pictures say a thousand words...

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