Sunday 29 May 2016

A Fast Week

May 23 (Monday)

It's been another very frustrating week with my blog. I'm 2 weeks behind and I hate to think of how many hours have been wasted trying to get my blog from not locking me out or crashing. I've redone last weeks blog at least 3 times. Pictures aren't going in where I want them, spacing is not working properly, and the bold button is non existent. Blah, blah, blah...hours wasted! So much for me venting.

My p-day started off at 6:30 a.m. with a phone call from Phoenix. She wanted me to come get her and take her out of the hospital. I tried to explain to her that I couldn't do that. She said, "I'm all better now. I just want to go home." Dr. Yip called later in the morning to discuss with me her condition. They are starting her on some kind of drug. He said she is psychotic and delusional. Sometimes I wonder if these types of drugs are more harmful than they are helpful. Mental conditions are so tricky to deal with.

We hosted FHE tonight and showed the DVD "Quest for the Lost Tribes". It was very interesting and thought provoking, as they journeyed to many places around the globe in search of the remnants of Israel, many of them presumed to be in Asia.
Left to right, back to front: Gary Nielson, Kimball & Linda Orton, Georgia & Jerry James, Gary & Deborah Bodily,
Brent & Bonnie Hathaway, Shirley Ngai (Charles Ngai was taking the picture), Judy & John Chan
Charles and Laraine Chamberlain

May 24 (Tuesday)

We did an orientation today with a Thai group. 2 sisters and 1 brother came to take out their endowments. They were accompanied by their bishop who happened to have served his mission in Salt Lake and had 2 companions from Lethbridge, Elders Turner and Edwards. Unfortunately I didn't get their first names, so I'm not exactly sure who they are or who they are related to.
Thai names are very difficult to remember, spell or pronounce,
hence no names for these folks.

It's only 2 weeks from today that we will be heading back to Canada. Got some last minute shopping to do. Shopping time is very limited and it's hard when you don't know where to find certain things. We stopped at Amaroni's for an early dinner.

I phoned Ricky Ma, my go-to computer fix it guy. But he informed me he was leaving for Europe tomorrow and won't be back for a couple weeks. But then we're gone, so I guess I'll just have to get it fixed when I get home.

May 25 (Wednesday)

We were coming home when I heard a loud voice say, "Hi missionaries." I focused in on the voice coming from a large group of young Americans from BYU. They were here for a few weeks as part of their course. I recognized some of them, as they had been to the Temple that morning. John asked if anyone was from Alberta. No, but Taylor Shumway served in Lethbridge. Just as they were about to leave he said, "Oh wait, you're the people that own Subway!" How cool was that, that he made the connection. Every p-day at our Subway, we treat the missionaries to a free meal.
Always fun to run into fellow Americans from BYU

May 26 (Thursday)

Time is flying. Just can't seem to get things done. We've been pretty busy at the Temple. Dr. Yip's nurse called and wanted to set up an appointment with him to discuss Phoenix. I guess we've been appointed her "adopted" family or guardians. Just after that phone call, Phoenix called. I wonder if it would just be better to let her out and she could continue living her own little life, the way she was used to. At least she was relatively happy in her own mind. We will meet with Dr. Yip on Monday.

May 27 (Friday)

Happy 68th Birthday, John (aka "Bruce")! This is our last OAD. We went shopping in hopes of getting all the requests from the kids fulfilled. Some kids asked for nothing, others had a big long list. Interesting how they all differ. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. We bought a new suitcase to carry all our treasures home. Crazy...4 large suitcases. Good thing we have this opportunity to take some stuff home now. I'd hate to see how much we would have if it was all left till the end.

Couldn't resist this Bulldog shirt, just had to buy it

May 28 (Saturday)

Category 3 typhoon warning. Not much to worry about. Basically, that would be like a heavy rain fall with Lethbridge wind. haha. We went out to celebrate John's birthday tonight with the Bodily's and Rancie's. Our numbers have shrunk. Nora's finished. The Lee's have left to prep for their 3 year tenure. The Ngai's had family commitments and the Hathaway's were under the weather. It was really nice to have a small group for dinner because now you could all talk to each other. When the group is so large, you basically only talk to your neighbour. We dined at the YMCA Salisbury Restaurant and had their seafood buffet. John was in heaven...crab, shrimp, halibut, sole, clams, sushi, roast beef and tons of other stuff. And he did stuff with all the stuff. Well, after all, it was his birthday!
Rae & Rob Rancie , us, Deb & Gary Bodily
Pictures speak 1000 words...

May 29 (Sunday)

Another typical day at Pen 3. The sisters were cooking up a storm. I made pulled pork on a bun. They celebrated the May birthdays. John and I were in charge of the FHE activity, so we did our usual 9-book game though I amended it to do on the white board, and we used titles of church books. A few picked up on the solution quite quickly, but the majority had to be shown. Only one more Sunday before we go home for summer break.
John and the girls of Peninsula 3 Branch

RyeyahTuliao, Sister Perez, Maytos Beacom, John, Brenda Smart
Catching up on photos from last week. We had a baptism, Lanie Delmonte. Such a sweet young lady. She has a fiancé in B.C. Canada. This is the second baptism in our branch since we have been here.

John, Judy, Sister Molina, Lanie Delmonte, Sister Perez, President Smart

Sister Molina, Sister Perez, Lanie Delmonte, Rommel Jacinto who baptised her.

1 comment:

  1. Sister Chan
    thank you for you blog, it is very positive and fun to read. you mentioned coming back to Canada - are you visiting or finishing your mission - either way you are great - Rea
