August 1 (Monday)
Today started off as one of the most exciting P-days we have experienced in Hong Kong. The Angel Moroni statue that sits on top of the Temple will be taken down today and replaced with a new one. Because of the weather conditions here, the statue has become dirty from all the pollution. It lost its shine, so it is being replaced. I never thought I would ever get to experience the raising of the Angel Moroni. It's such a historic event.
Removing the Angel Moroni |
20 years ago Moroni was mounted on the Temple. |
New, gold and shining, the crated new Moroni. |
Pictures only...DO NOT TOUCH! |
Well, we got to touch the "old" one in the truck. |
Covered with smog and dirt, dulled by weather. |
John and the old Moroni. |
The day was hot and sunny but patches of clouds rolled in. They only had a 5 hour time slot in which the replacement could take place. It was scheduled for 10:00 am and to be done before 3:00 pm after which there was a typhoon warning. Unfortunately, there was a slight mishap with the removal of the statue which prevented the installation of the new statue. So after waiting for almost 3 hours, we went for lunch and on our return found out that Moroni would not be erected today.
Anyone else hot? We're melting! |
Lunch with the Ngai's, Bodily's and President & Sister Wong |
However, all was not lost. We did get to participate in another big event...the "big reveal" of our 14th grandchild...boy or girl? Thanks to facetime, we were included in the ultrasound reveal of Rylan and Molly's baby... (Drum roll... dah dah dah dah... trumpet) It's a......girl! Yeah!!! That makes 6 granddaughters, and 8 grandsons for us. We've been so blessed!
August 2 (Tuesday)
The category 3 typhoon warning from yesterday turned into a category 8 typhoon overnight. John and I had the early shift at the Temple. With the rain pouring down, we decided to catch a taxi. There were no buses or trains running, so the taxis were charging double. We got to the temple, only to find out that it was closed. We didn't know that everything shuts down, like everything, when there is a category 8 warning. So we rode the same taxi back to our apartment and paid double again. It was kind of nice to have the day off. I tried to catch up on some stories and blogging, however, I'm still behind.
Damaged vegetation all around our apartment. |
Typhoon aftermath...trees were down all along the streets. |
A little rain and a little wind, and the city comes to a stand still. Everything shuts down. Stores are closed and streets are bare. Back home, this would be nothing. They need to experience our Canadian that's a storm!
"Smiley" just finished cleaning the street after storm. |
August 3 (Wednesday)
Happy Birthday to my sister Ilona! It was 8 years ago in 2008, just before the Beijing Olympics that Ilona and Keong, and John and I came on a 17 day tour to China. Such a memorable time together!
With the Temple open today, we had to do an orientation for the new patrons. It's always such a blessing to get to meet those who come from afar to the House of the Lord. We were privileged to participate in their endowment and sealing ordinances.
Aarchan (aka: Ava) and Alugu |
Katuka and Ramraj |
Raju, Bairavi, Darwin, Dallin Devaraju and President & Sister Funk |
President Funk, Asia Area President, served his mission in India and now, years later, was privileged to seal these families. |
August 4 (Thursday)
Just another day at the Temple. So blessed to be serving a mission here. So many amazing faithful members.
Carolina Yue Yang and her aunt, first time to the Temple. |
August 5 (Friday)
We got word that the Moroni statue would be raised today. President Wong announced that the Temple would be closed at 11:00, so we could all go out to watch this historic event. Things always seem to take longer than anticipated, but finally the crane started hoisting the statue up, up, and up. A small impromptu choir began singing. I don't know what it is about seeing the statue of Moroni, but it brings a swelling to my breast and joy in my heart. I suppose it's the symbol of what it represents, the heralding of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a sounding forth of the trumpet to aīll the world to come hear the word of the Lord. Such a thrill.
Moving Moroni on site. |
Lowering Moroni into place. |
Impromptu Choir |
Some of our fellow Temple workers. |
Some of the male temple workers. |
After we got off our shift, the Bodily's, and Hathaway's and us along with Ventatesh Alugu and Archana A.V. Vuppoda, a couple from India that were just sealed in the temple, all decided to go to Jumbo the Floating Restaurant. It was sort of a small celebration for the couple. We had an amazing time with them. Names from other countries are so hard to remember, so I gave Archana a nickname of "Ava". She quite liked it. And as for Alugu, he said his named meant "lightning", so we just called him "Lightning". The Church is growing so rapidly in India.
World Famous Jumbo Floating Restaurant in Aberdeen |
Once famous and visited by many Hollywood stars. |
Can't leave Hong Kong without the Jumbo Experience. |
Dinner in "private" dining seemed private 'cause we were the only ones there. |
Ornate dragon scuptures |
"Ava" and "Lightning" Alugu - Newly weds Sealed in the Temple. |
August 6 (Saturday)
President Wong wanted some changes made to the schedule. During the summer, there seems to be a shortage of workers in the Temple. We don't have our OAD during the summer, and we needed to adjust the schedule so that there is one couple who will cover Friday evenings.
I've been trying to research the best tickets for "Stomp". The Bodily's, Hathaway's, and Chamberlain's and us are planning to make a weekend getaway in Macao. Stomp is playing at the Venetian, so we are looking at getting a package deal with show tickets, hotel, and breakfast.
Bodily's came to help me get pictures from my ipad to my computer. Unfortunately, it didn't work, so there are a number of pictures that I wanted to include in my blog, but I can't figure out how to get them to where I need. Quickie late dinner at KFC then off to get groceries before the store closes at 11:00. How did it get so late already?
August 7 (Sunday)
Fast Sunday. Potluck Supper. 3 interviews. Another week gone.
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