Sunday 22 November 2015

Food, Fabric, Friends, Fun, Filipinos, and FAMILY

November 16 (Monday)

Brother and Sister Pun who are local temple workers took all the Temple missionaries out for dim sum lunch today at the Star of Canton Restaurant. I must say, this was the best dim sum we've had since we've been here. I wanted to bring the family here when they come, but found out that today is the last day the restaurant will be open. They did not renew their lease. They do have 2 other locations but I don't know if they are as good...depends on the cooks.

Went out exploring again after lunch before heading over to Wan Chai to cut material for our service project of making 1000 blankets to give away to various charities in Hong Kong. We have about half the needed fabric cut. That's a whole lot of blankets!

Though we all stuffed ourselves at lunch, by 8:00 when we finished cutting, it was time to eat again. Sister Chamberlain took us to a wonderful little Turkish Donair streetside eatery. Another was great food!

November 17 (Tuesday)

Looks like we'll be spending quite a bit of time at Wan Chai as the Christmas event gets closer. We had another meeting tonight. So many little details to work out. The gift bags are being printed with John's design. They look great. MC's, ushers, tech personnel, caterers, etc. etc. are being lined up.  So many people are needed to put together this event.

3000 gift bags are being made and stuffed with a sample CD of Wayne's music,
The Proclamation of the Family and The Living Christ

November 18 (Wednesday)

We met with Sis. Chamberlain and Sis. Orton today to buy ribbon for the 1000+ blankets we're making. What a fun day shopping for fabric at Shum Shui Po! It was fabric heaven...I can't believe the endless bolts of fabric, street after street! A sewers paradise! Not only did we find a smokin' deal on gold ribbon, but we also found fabric for costumes: angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and wisemen. Most of the fabric ranged from $1.70 - $3.40 per yard CAD!

I'm so glad that I've been able to be involved with this whole Christmas project. So much fun! The costumes are for an interactive nativity. Children as well as adults will be able to dress up and perform the nativity as part of our Christmas celebration. There will also be Christmas displays of nativities (creche), caroling and cookies, the live nativity and a Christmas Eve program. Wayne will start off the month long celebration with concerts on Dec. 4 and 5.

Blue for #1 Wiseman...
Measure and Cut...
Purple for #2 Wiseman...
Green for #3 WiseWoman...complete with a Gold Turban...N-i-i-i-c e......

November 19 (Thursday)

Edward Lee, John's distant cousin which we connected with through doing genealogy work, was in Hong Kong today. He's from Highland, Utah. We met him in the Temple, then went out to dinner. His life story and John's life story are both so similar as were many others during that era of the Communist Revolution. It was good to get to know him better. He had just come from a visit to his home village in Taisan, where he was trying to get more family history. He was able to find some gravestones of his ancestors.

Edward Lee and John Chan - cousins from 14 generations back 
It's all about the food, always eating.
November 20 (Friday)

Went for a haircut this morning. My hairdresser had moved.We spent half an hour trying to find out where the new shop was. The girl on the phone was very much lacking in directional  communication skills. After being hung up on several times, and instead of telling us go here, turn there, go up, go down, find such and such a street, etc, etc...all she needed to say was, "We're behind the Mercedes Benz dealership." Clear and simple. It would have taken us less than 5 minutes instead of half an hour!

Since it was our OAD, we decided to go back to Shum Shui Po. John had left our sample blanket at the "ribbon lady's" store. When we got there, she was all excited that we had returned. She said she tried to chase after us when she realized we had left the blanket behind, but couldn't catch us.

There were some interesting people at Shum Shui Po. When we first came out of the MTR exit we saw this old man sleeping with his blanket over his head. Later, we saw him awake and eating his lunch. The other guy was standing on his head. There's a timer beside his pouch telling you how long he had been there. I don't know how long he stayed like that.

We walked by a Chinese Buddhist Temple on our travels...there were alters of worship all throughout. Is this what they are referring to when they speak of worshipping false idols?

Later we met up with Edward and had dinner with him before he left for the airport to fly back to the U.S.

November 21 (Saturday) 

Happy Birthday, Wayne. We'll see you in a few days and then we'll celebrate. We went grocery shopping to load up on odds and ends for the influx of company coming. It seemed so far away, then suddenly, it's here! So looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

November 22 (Sunday)

Today is another special quarterly Sunday opening at the Temple for the Filipino domestic workers. It's so unique. The Hong Kong Temple is the only LDS Temple in the world that opens on Sunday. Because there are so many members of the church who are domestic workers and don't have any days off except Sunday, this gives them the opportunity to go to the Temple at least once each quarter. What a blessing for those who can attend. It was a very emotional day for many of the sisters. One sister said she had waited 19 years for this day to come. With eyes full of tears and hearts full of emotion, we all felt of the love our Heavenly Father has for all his children.

Quick, quick, hurry, hurry...gotta get home, the Goodman's will be soon arriving. Everything was running late at the Temple and I was getting anxious because I wanted to be home before they arrived, so we caught a taxi home. Around 7:15 someone was at my back...Jade! Where did you come from and where is everyone else? She had hopped off the bus as he pulled into the hotel, but the rest of the crew stayed on while he turned around to park and unload the bus.

Me and my JJ

So glad to see the grandkids!
Here at last after a 2 day journey.

So this is food storage?
First meal in HK - Spaghetti!!
Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite...oh don't even go there! Tomorrow the fun begins!

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