Wednesday 17 June 2015

Our Mission Begins

June 15, 2015 Monday

This is it! Today we received our missionary name badges. It's official: Elder and Sister Chan

The day started off with a lovely buffet breakfast at our 5 Star Hotel. The Church is sure treating us royally. The morning was basically a get acquainted orientation. Elder and Sister Walker, former Temple president and now in charge of senior temple missionary couples, will be our instructors, mentors for our 3 days of training. Sister Walker is President Hinckley's eldest daughter. She has a wonderful sense of humor, just like her father.

Being Monday, the Temple was closed, but we were treated to a special luncheon just for all the new Temple Missionaries. There are about 30 of us going to various temples throughout the world including, Chile, Philipines, London, Brazil, Washington, DC, Madrid, Santiago, Bolivia, and Hong Kong just to name a few.

We watched a few training videos and had a presentation from a member of the security staff. It was very informative and sure made us aware of how to protect ourselves in foreign countries. Makes one feel very thankful to live in Canada or the US, for the peace and safety which we enjoy.

Our work day ended early. Jade, Mike and the kids came to visit us, had dinner and went swimming and hot tubbing at one of the hotel's two pools.

June 16, Tuesday

Another beautiful morning and wonderful breakfast, then off to the temple. Today we attended a live temple session. The Salt Lake Temple and Manti Temple are the only 2 temples which still do the live endowment sessions. Chicken Cordon Bleu lunch, then a session with a genealogy expert Bro. Brimhall. He had some amazing information to share about the incredible advancements happening in the field of genealogy.

Another hot day, so John and I jumped in the pool to cool off. Had a lovely meal at the hotel restaurant, then went for a walk abound the beautifully manicured grounds.

June 17, Wednesday

The highlight of today was being led up to the Solemn Assembly Room of the Temple. This is a special place set aside for special meetings called by the Presidency. We were privileged to enter into this sacred room for not everyone gets such an opportunity. Many special events occurred here. This is the room where the dedication of the Temple took place. Brother and Sister Walker shared many stories with us relating to President Hinckley's family. Words cannot explain the special witness I received while sitting in the Solemn Assembly Hall. Touched by the spirit, tears were streaming down my face as we were told of the special work set out before us. We have indeed been called at this time for this work.

Our senior missionary group - taken in the Solemn Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City Temple.

Elder and Sister Walker - Trainers for Senior Temple Missionary couples.


  1. So Special for a Special Couple...Love reading your Blog :)

  2. Oh Judy and John, I so excited and filled with the Spirit reading your words. What a wonderful experience. God Speed my friends.

  3. Be sure to add your Asian pose picture with Elder and Sister Walker!

    1. Cannot as we promised we would not publish it!! Must keep our words!!
